Aylar lie instagram
Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) • Instagram photos and videos
74.8k Followers, 555 Following, 40 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial)
Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) • Instagram photos and videos
Trotter ♠️ Player Lover 🕊️❤️ · 39 posts · 74.8K followers · 555 …
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “Your wings was ready but my heart …
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “Your wings was ready but my heart was not 💔🕊When you came to me 10 years ago you where the most traumatized dog I’ve ever met. I didn’t think I was the right person to take care and heal you from the trauma you had experienced in your life. I tried to find you a better home with a older woman living in the village. When she told me you ran away the same night you got there I jumped in my car again to find you. My speed was so fast that the police took my driver license and the media wrote about us all over the news, but at least the attention resulted in everyone looking for you. After 5 long days looking for you without sleep you where finally in my arms again. From this moment I promised to never leave you.You joined me all around the world while I was playing poker you where chilling in your bag next to me. I knew all you wanted was to be with me day and night. You didn’t want to play with other dogs or be with other people. You just wanted to be close to me and let me carry you around like a princess in your little bag. Which I did until your journey in this life was over. Rest In Peace my little Angel.”
1526 Likes, 168 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “Your wings was ready but my heart was not When you came to me 10 years ago you …
1,528 Likes, 168 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “Your wings was ready but my heart was not 💔🕊When you came to me 10 years ago you where the most traumatized dog I’ve ever met. I didn’t think I was the right person to take care and heal you from the trauma you had experienced in your life. I tried to find you a better home with a older woman living in the village. When she told me you ran away the same night you got there I jumped in my car again to find you. My speed was so fast that the police took my driver license and the media wrote about us all over the news, but at least the attention resulted in everyone looking for you. After 5 long days looking for you without sleep you where finally in my arms again. From this moment I promised to never leave you.You joined me all around the world while I was playing poker you where chilling in your bag next to me. I knew all you wanted was to be with me day and night. You didn’t want to play with other dogs or be with other people. You just wanted to be close to me and let me carry you around like a princess in your little bag. Which I did until your journey in this life was over. Rest In Peace my little Angel.”
️ Aylar Lie og kjæresten Kris Robberstad har forlovet seg. Nå …
Se og Hør on Instagram: “❤️ Aylar Lie og kjæresten Kris Robberstad har forlovet seg. Nå går det mot bryllup for det flotte paret. Vi gratulerer 🎉 Les mer på seoghør.no #AylarLie #forlovet #bryllup #seoghør”
392 Likes, 8 Comments – Se og Hør (@seoghoer) on Instagram: “❤️ Aylar Lie og kjæresten Kris Robberstad har forlovet seg. Nå går det mot bryllup for det …
392 Likes, 9 Comments – Se og Hør (@seoghoer) on Instagram: “❤️ Aylar Lie og kjæresten Kris Robberstad har forlovet seg. Nå går det mot bryllup for det flotte paret. Vi gratulerer 🎉 Les mer på seoghør.no #AylarLie #forlovet #bryllup #seoghør”
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “What’s going outside the poker room”
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “What’s going outside the poker room”
2911 Likes, 94 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “What’s going outside the poker room”
2,930 Likes, 96 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “What’s going outside the poker room”
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “My babies Siba & Amada I never …
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “My babies Siba & Amada 💕 I never loved anyone or anything more than these two furry angels. Dogs gives you loyalty and unconditional love till their last breath! Amada died 14 years old, in my arms, january 2017. I miss her every day! Because of her I started my own NGO with veterinarian @aja_vet and we have now rescued and helped hundreds of stray-dogs. It’s makes me so happy and satisfied to make a difference. You can rescue a life to: ADOPT! Don’t shop pets ! ..Follow some of our Non profit work here:www.facebook.com/Aylar.Aya.hekate .#allinforanimals #adoption #pets #shelter #shelterdogs #straydogs #animalsareequal #nonprofit #dogs #cats #strays #homeless #puppy #solplassen #fodgården #omplassering #shelteranimals #dogsofinstagram #nonprofitwork”
1864 Likes, 38 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “My babies Siba & Amada I never loved anyone or anything more than these two furry …
1,869 Likes, 38 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “My babies Siba & Amada 💕 I never loved anyone or anything more than these two furry angels. Dogs gives you loyalty and unconditional love till their last breath! Amada died 14 years old, in my arms, january 2017. I miss her every day! Because of her I started my own NGO with veterinarian @aja_vet and we have now rescued and helped hundreds of stray-dogs. It’s makes me so happy and satisfied to make a difference. You can rescue a life to: ADOPT! Don’t shop pets ! ..Follow some of our Non profit work here:www.facebook.com/Aylar.Aya.hekate .#allinforanimals #adoption #pets #shelter #shelterdogs #straydogs #animalsareequal #nonprofit #dogs #cats #strays #homeless #puppy #solplassen #fodgården #omplassering #shelteranimals #dogsofinstagram #nonprofitwork”
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “Little guy showed up at my friends …
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “Little guy showed up at my friends house. Now I know what the fox says 🦊 Photo: @charlottespetalen”
6858 Likes, 206 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “Little guy showed up at my friends house. Now I know what the fox says Photo: …
6,874 Likes, 205 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “Little guy showed up at my friends house. Now I know what the fox says 🦊 Photo: @charlottespetalen”
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “PLEASE READ! I’m sorry for posting …
Aylar Lie on Instagram: “PLEASE READ! I’m sorry for posting this but you need to know China is the world’s largest LEATHER and FUR producer, exporter and consumer. The global leather industry slaughters over one billion animals every year. While many people associate leather with animals like cows, these are hardly the only creatures who are victims of this cruel trade. In fact, many people are shocked and appalled to learn that in China, dogs are commonly used in the leather industry. Existing in parallel with the dog meat industry in Asia, the market for dog leather is incredibly high.But just because dog leather is created in China, doesn’t mean that is where it stays; products made out of dog leather are sold throughout the world. As the world’s leading producer of cheap leather, Chinese leather producers have been known to sell dog leather under the label of “lamb” skin, “genuine leather” or only “leather”. The truth is, after the leather is processed and tanned, most animal skins look the same. Without conducting DNA tests, it’s practically impossible to specify what animal leather is made from. The “Faux fur” is also often real fur from animals.When you stop buying leather, you stop unknowingly feeding the dog leather trade. The same with the fur industry. There are plenty of cruelty-free vegan clothing companies that you can check out.It doesn’t matter what animal it comes from, almost all leather and fur is cruel. Whether it comes from a fox, mink, coyote, rabbit, raccoon, cow, a pig, a goat or a dog, all these animals have feelings and none of them deserve to die for the sake of FASHION! To read the story about this poor dog you have to go here www.fightdogmeat.com 🐾 @helpbanyulin @ellenorge @costumenorge @detnye @hoyereger @hoyerluxurywoman @tatler_bogstadveien @steenogstromoslo @headnorge @janthomasofficial @sophieeliseblogg @jennyskavlan #fashion #elle #ellenorge #costume #vogue #mote #norge #hund #pels #hundehelse #dyrsrettigheter #valp #venner #skinnjakke #leatherjacket #skinnbukse #norskmote #wakeupworld #crueltyfreefashion #dyrevennligmote”
954 Likes, 162 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “PLEASE READ! I’m sorry for posting this but you need to know China is the world’s …
969 Likes, 163 Comments – Aylar Lie (@aylarlieofficial) on Instagram: “PLEASE READ! I’m sorry for posting this but you need to know China is the world’s largest LEATHER and FUR producer, exporter and consumer. The global leather industry slaughters over one billion animals every year. While many people associate leather with animals like cows, these are hardly the only creatures who are victims of this cruel trade. In fact, many people are shocked and appalled to learn that in China, dogs are commonly used in the leather industry. Existing in parallel with the dog meat industry in Asia, the market for dog leather is incredibly high.But just because dog leather is created in China, doesn’t mean that is where it stays; products made out of dog leather are sold throughout the world. As the world’s leading producer of cheap leather, Chinese leather producers have been known to sell dog leather under the label of “lamb” skin, “genuine leather” or only “leather”. The truth is, after the leather is processed and tanned, most animal skins look the same. Without conducting DNA tests, it’s practically impossible to specify what animal leather is made from. The “Faux fur” is also often real fur from animals.When you stop buying leather, you stop unknowingly feeding the dog leather trade. The same with the fur industry. There are plenty of cruelty-free vegan clothing companies that you can check out.It doesn’t matter what animal it comes from, almost all leather and fur is cruel. Whether it comes from a fox, mink, coyote, rabbit, raccoon, cow, a pig, a goat or a dog, all these animals have feelings and none of them deserve to die for the sake of FASHION! To read the story about this poor dog you have to go here www.fightdogmeat.com 🐾 @helpbanyulin @ellenorge @costumenorge @detnye @hoyereger @hoyerluxurywoman @tatler_bogstadveien @steenogstromoslo @headnorge @janthomasofficial @sophieeliseblogg @jennyskavlan #fashion #elle #ellenorge #costume #vogue #mote #norge #hund #pels #hundehelse #dyrsrettigheter #valp #venner #skinnjakke #leatherjacket #skinnbukse #norskmote #wakeupworld #crueltyfreefashion #dyrevennligmote”
Aylar Lie (@AylarLie) / Twitter
Gamer Oslo/Norway instagram.com/aylarlieoffici… … Aylar Lie Retweeted … Aylar Lie (34) har tatt Poker-Norge med storm, og i 2018 leverte ingen nordmann …
Keywords: aylar lie instagram